Sunday, August 16, 2009

Morning Sickness Pregnancy - another benefit

A Morning Sickness Pregnancy has its purpose! Hooray!

Paul Shermen (Cornell Professor of neurobiology and behavior) and Samuel Flaxman (University of Colorado evolutionary behaviorist) tested some of the theories behind morning sickness. What they found was that a Morning Sickness Pregnancy is natures way of protecting both the developing embryo and pregnant woman at a time when more needed. Its natures way of getting rid of anything that may cause a threat to the undeveloped fetus. Usually anything strong tasting or meats are the main culprits.

Other factors that support this are as follows:
-The main triggers of a Morning Sickness Pregnancy are cigarette smoking, alcohol, strong tasting foods or meat. These are all things that could pose a threat to the fetus. The meat and strong tasting foods such as vegetables could contain pathogens and parasites. The alcohol and cigarette smoke is self explanatory.
- Morning Sickness has usually died off by week 18 of pregnancy this is because the fetus is not as likely to be affected by toxins etc.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Morning Sickness Tied to Higher Child IQ

Morning Sickness Tied to Higher Child IQ - Recent studies have shown that women who suffer morning sickness during pregnancy have a higher chance of conceiving a child with better IQ levels! This is based on 3-7 year olds. How crazy is that? Good news though for anyone currently suffering the morning sickness, maybe they will give birth to a little genius!

The discovery of Morning Sickness Tied to Higher Child IQ was made when researchers tested 121 Canadian children for IQ levels. The children of the mothers who had suffered morning sickness tested higher.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

When Does Morning Sickness Occur

When Does Morning Sickness Occur - every woman is different. Some women start as early as week 5, others at week 10, others dont get it at all. The good news is as quick as it come it goes. Pregnant women say that one morning they get up and its just gone - of course you could be one of the unlucky ones who has it into the 2nd trimester, but lets stay positive eh? So there is really not any hard and fast rules to enable the question when does morning sickness occur to be answered. How long is a piece of string?

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Morning Sickness - How Bad Can it Get

Morning Sickness In Pregnancy can be unbearable for some, around 1% of pregnant women who suffer with Morning Sickness suffer so badly that it can lead to them being in hospital due to dehydration. Dehydration is extremely dangerous and is something that you need to be on the look out for if vomiting is extreme. Try to sip water rather than gulping it down. Take note if you are feeling dizzy. If in any doubt contact your midwife. Something that did help me with my morning sickness (didn't get it at all with first but with second looked green!) was, Remedy for Morning Sickness

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Morning Sickness - Can you End The Nightmare ?

Morning Sickness in Pregnancy can affect as many as 75% of pregnant women and can take away some of the joy of pregnancy. It can for some women be overwhelming. The 'waves' of nausea can come at times when they are really not wanted - whilst dropping kids of school, in a meeting at work. Below are some tips to help you get through Morning Sickness in Pregnancy:

- rest as much as possible
- eat little and often
- eat some dry crackers or dry toast before getting out of bed in the morning
- dont eat spicy or fatty foods
- drink plenty of water (even if its just sipping it constantly throughout the day)
If you really cant manage fluids, try sucking on ice cubes
- wrist bands that sit on the inside of the wrist on the acupressure point can relieve Morning Sickness in Pregnancy
- ginger can help some women. It can be taken in the form of ginger ale, ginger biscuits or ginger tea

Remember Morning Sickness in Pregnancy is a sign of a healthy pregnancy and try to remember what is in the light at the end of the tunnel - your little bundle of miracle.

My Morning Sickness was really bad with my second child and after suffering 2 weeks of, as my husband put it - looking green and head in toilet, I searched and asked around for any morning sickness relief and came accross this - Remedy for Morning Sickness- and I am glad I did - it allowed me to start enjoying my pregnancy.

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